Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sugary Fun

On Tuesday we went to visit my Mom at work and let her introduce Joshua to her co-workers.  While in Fayetteville me and the boys stopped by Rick's Bakery for a little sweet treat and to watch them decorate cakes.  I think Caleb likes looking at the cakes they have made and watching them decorate them as much as I do.  I think it would be so much fun to know how to decorate cakes the way they do and I love to just sit and watch them.

I let Caleb pick whatever he wanted to from amongst the donuts, cupcakes, brownies and cookies.  He went with the swirled icing sugar cookie while I opted for a german chocolate brownie.  Yum!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shots and Stats

Last Thursday (Sept. 20) was Joshua's 6 week check-up.  I was really excited to find out what his stats were as I could definitely tell he had changed.
Here is he is chilling out on the exam table waiting for the Dr. to come in.

Weight:  10 lbs. 14 oz.
Length:  22 1/4
Head: 38 cm
I forgot that he would have to get shots.  He ended up getting an oral vaccine, which he had no problem taking as my boy loves to eat, and 3 shots (2 in the left leg and 1 in the right leg).
He was such a little trooper and cried with the initial shock and pain of the shots but calmed down pretty quickly after I picked him up and snuggled with him.  He did really good throughout the day and mostly just slept and luckily didn't run any fever.
Here are a couple of pictures of him showing off his Daffy Duck band-aids.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Silly Sock Day

Today was silly sock day at Caleb's school.  They have been studying the letter "S" this week.  He was pretty excited and thought it was fun getting to wear two different socks to school.  He has been wanting to wear his camo socks and blue socks for a while and I keep having him wear white socks so this worked out pretty good.

 Here are some silly pics to go along with silly sock day :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Nana!

Yesterday we enjoyed a nice evening with David's parents celebrating his mom's birthday.  It has been our tradition to take his mom out to dinner for her birthday but this year we changed things up and had them over to our house instead.  I fixed salmon, cheesy garlic potatoes and green beans.  We also enjoyed some super yummy cupcakes from Rick's Bakery.  So glad I went with the cupcakes vs. a cake as we had a lot of fun sampling each of the different kinds.

Italian Cream, Carrot Cake, Chocolate Ganache, Raspberry, Wedding Cake and Chocolate

 Nana with her boys

We had a nice evening together and are so glad that we live close enough to celebrate these special times together.  Happy Birthday Nana!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

One Excited Boy

Someone was super excited about going to school this morning and had a bit of a breakdown when he thought he wasn't getting to go.  Caleb has this routine of waving bye to David of a morning and sometimes he has a little melt down if he thinks David doesn't see him waving goodbye or if he thinks that David didn't wave at him so I didn't think much of it when he came into the bedroom crying while I was getting ready and assumed that he was upset that David didn't wave long enough at him.  He comes in with big tears rolling down his face and asks "Momma am I not going to school today?" I explained that he was and was surprised why he was asking.  He then exclaims "well I can't because Daddy has my car seat" and then water works spring up in full gear.  Bless that babies heart.....we had forgot to move his car seat back into my car last night and he was afraid he wasn't going to get to go to school.  I felt so bad for him and quickly grabbed the phone and let him know we would call Daddy and he would come back and bring his car seat.  All was quickly fixed but he was a little worried until Daddy showed up and put everything back in order.  He then quickly ate breakfast and informed me he was ready to go to school.  I think he is just a wee bit excited because his school is having Spirit Night tonight at Chick-fil-a (this is his first Spirit Nigh) and they told them about it at school yesterday and he is super excited to go and was talking about this morning how he was going to see all his friends there.  As soon as we pulled up to school he immediately saw that they had a sign up reminding parents about Spirit Night and he got all excited again and told me he was going to ask his friends today if they were going to his Chick-fil-a.  Guess I know where we will be going tonight :-)

A little side note funny......yesterday when I picked Caleb up from school one of the bridge teachers motioned to the person assisting with car line that she would bring Caleb over to the car.  It always immediately makes you wonder when the teacher brings him over just what exactly you are getting ready to hear (lol).  Mrs. Amber explained that Caleb about gave them a heart attack on the playground.  She said that some of the kids came running over to her very distraught and explaining that Caleb was laying on the ground not moving and that they couldn't wake him.  Since Caleb was at that time climbing into the car I knew he was fine and immediately put two and two together and knew where this was headed.  She continued to explain that she rushed over to him and let the kids know not to touch him as she wasn't sure what was wrong and didn't want him moved.  She then attempted to wake him only to discover that he was just doing a super good job of pretending to be "dead" as he later told us.  You could tell it had definitely caused some excitement.  He of course thought it was funny when I asked him about it and told me he faked them out and was pretending to be dead (I've seen him do this before so I could just see this all playing out in my head).  Bless their poor hearts, needless to say we explained to him that wasn't a good idea.  I reminded him on the way to school this morning not to do that and he said "I know mom, dad told me last night when I was going to bed not to do it anymore.  Silly boy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Finishing Strong

This morning started off a bit rough due to a little someone who did not exactly let his mommy, or daddy for that matter, get a lot of sleep last night.  He is on this pattern where he will go down for bed and sleep anywhere between 3-4 hours, usually 4, but the rest of the night he gets up every 1 1/2 -3 hours later.  Let's just say that this does not make for good sleep for the mommy and last night was definitely one of those nights.  He also thinks it's fun after his last feeding in the early hours of the morning to not go back to sleep easily if at all.  This morning was no exception and at around 5:00-5:30 someone decided they had didn't want to go back to sleep.  I ended up having to call in reinforcements and David came to my rescue and stepped in to try to get him to go back to sleep.  I felt like I barely got my eyes closed before the alarm was going off to get Caleb up and ready for school.  I'm so glad that he was in a great mood this morning and apparently had been up since 6:30 and was playing contently in his room.  He did a great job of getting ready for school without any hassles which was a huge help as I was barely functioning.

Later in the day David suggested we get out of the house for a little while, he's off work this week, and go to the WalMart Associate Store and Gordman's.  I realized later in the day I don't think I have been out of the house since Sunday.  It must have been the right medicine we all needed because we all perked up and had a great time out together. 

Right before we left I decided to see what Joshua thought of the Baby Bjorn.  Caleb wasn't much of a fan when he was little but Joshua loved it and it definitely made our outing that much nicer as he snuggled right into me and slept soundly while we were out and about.

David was super sweet and when I asked him why he wanted to go to Gordman's he said he thought I might want to look at the Halloween decor.  That boy knows me so well :-).  While for some ladies it's flowers, others it's jewelry for me he knows one of the ways to my heart is holiday decor so here are the fun little treats that made there way home with me today (the candy dish is from the Associate Store but Sam's also currently has them and the other items are from Gordman's.)

To finish the night off I decided to make some No Bake Cookies, haven't made these in forever, probably not the best idea as I coud eat the whole batch myself.
Here's hoping that Joshua sleeps great tonight and that we can all get a little shut eye.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1 Month Old - Joshua

Is it seriously possible that you are already a month old?  It seems like I was just going into labor yesterday and here a month has already passed.  I feel like time is going so quickly starting with the night you were born.  You think that I would be thankful that from first contraction to your delivery only took 6 1/2 hours where with Caleb it took 15 1/2 hours but for some reason it was just all to fast and it seems to have set the pace of your little life.  I just want things to slow down just a bit and enjoy every little minute of your life. 

We are so glad you are here and are starting to get adjusted to the idea of having a little one in the house again.  I'll admit I miss my sleep at night but I realize that before I know it you will be a year old and I'll be wondering what happened to all of those late night feedings. Here are a few things about you:

You love your swing which I'm very thankful

You are really starting to fill out and already seem longer.  You weighed 7 lbs. 12.3 oz on August 15.  We go for your 6 week check up on September 20 and I  can't wait to see how much you have grown.

You typically like to eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours but sometimes you can make it 4 hours yet there are times you barely make it 1 1/2 hours before you feel like you need to eat again.

You get really aggravated if the milk comes out fast while you are nursing as you prefer to take your time eating and really like to be able to just fall a sleep in the middle of eating.

Your big brother loves you to pieces and is constantly kissing and hugging you. He can't stand to see you upset and if you start to cry he thinks I need to go get you immediately and if I don't he lets me know that I need to go get you.  Usually when Caleb sees you he comes over and pats your head and says "Oh, baby".  There have been a few times in the middle of the night while you are eating that I have looked up to find Caleb in the room with us :-).  He just loves you so much and has to come check on you.

Your umbilical cord still has not come off so we have not officially given you a bath but instead have just been wiping you off with a washcloth.

We moved you up to size 1 diapers yesterday as the newborns were getting pretty tight and were leaking.  I'll admit the size 1 diapers are a bit big on you but it beats having to change your clothes multiple times throughout the day and night due to a leaking diaper.

You love to eat!  It seems like I have a lot more milk this time around which I'm very thankful for and I love seeing you with a little milk mustache after you eat :-)

I think it's so cute to see you stretch and yawn really big.

The last few days you have started to make some cooing sounds and are really starting to recognize our voices.

You seem to constantly be making grunting noises at night especially when we are trying to sleep.

You are still shedding some of your skin.

Your fingernails grow crazy fast and I've already had to trim them a couple of times.  When you were born you had the longest fingernails already and apparently had scratched your face a couple of places while in the womb.