Caleb is currently going through what I hope and assume is just a phase where he keeps getting out of bed and coming into our room at night and wants to get in bed with us. Call me mean but this is a habit that I didn't really want to get started and had said, prior to having kids of course, that I was not going to let him sleep with us. While I still for the most part stand behind this prior conviction I will admit I have caved and allowed him to crawl up in bed with us some nights and hide behind the excuse that there will be a day when he will not be this small and will not want to snuggle with his momma. Caleb has so figured this out and the nights that he does come into our room he typically comes over to my side of the bed. He cracks me up because he doesn't say a word he just starts climbing up in bed, in fact he typically will not even respond if you talk to him as if he is thinks he is invisible and can only be seen if he says something.
This new phase isn't necessarily a nightly occurrence but I'll admit it is happening a little more frequent than I would prefer. When he does come into our room and it was one of the actual times when we do let him in bed with us we only let him stay for a little while or until he falls back to sleep and then we carry him back to his room. This is partly because we don't want this to become any more of a habit than it already is and secondly because the poor kid typically tosses and turns and never gets truly settled.
As I mentioned we do not always let him get in bed with us and will often take him back to his room and tuck him back in and remind him that he needs to stay in his bed. Some nights we have had to do this a couple of times. Last Monday night was no exception as he kept coming into our room and we kept putting him back to bed. I guess he finally decided he would compromise and at some point snuck back into our room complete with his pillow and blanket only for us to find this the following morning (May 4)....

....break my heart, he just wanted to be close to his momma and dada even if it meant having to sleep in the floor. Last night we stood firm and did not let him get in bed with us so he once again thought he would sneak back in and just sleep in the floor. We actually heard him this time and David took him back to bed. He however turned on his stealth mode and sometime within the night snuck back in only for us to find him this morning asleep again in the doorway of our room.
Now for those of you that are starting to judge and think we are totally mean parents we did let him get in bed with us Sunday night as he woke up scared from all the thunder and lightening. I heard him crying and got up and met him as he was headed to our room. I then put him in bed with us and snuggled until the storms passed through and after he fell back to sleep put him back to his bed where he slept the rest of the night.