Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Who Says Boys Don't Like a Little Bling
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
We are so sad for our loss but in some ways realize it is a blessing to him as he has not been happy for some time and we were often afraid that Jordan, our tortoise colored cat, would go before him and leave him utterly and totally lost by himself.
It's very sad to think that Jordan is now the last of the 5 original, yes 5, cats that we had living with us at one time. I guess I should go back and give a little history........
In October of 2000 David's sister and her family were in town visiting us at our old house in Lowell. The kids discovered 4 kittens in one of the empty lots around our house. It appeared that they had either been abandoned by their mother or dumped off by their owner. We decided to take them in with the understanding that we would find homes for them as we did not have any intentions of keeping all of them. However, if I'm being absolutely honest we didn't try very hard and days turned into weeks, week into months and we still had them. David and I had always wanted a grey cat so something possessed us to go to the pound where we crazily decided when you have 4 cats what really is one more and this is when we made the decision to bring home a 6 week old grey kitty to join our already large heard of cats.
From the get go Janson was always a little different and while he liked our other cats well enough he was just always very scared and something was always not quite right about him. I have seriously never seen an animal so skittish. He was more of our night crawler as he didn't really come out much during the day but seemed to enjoy being out at night.
One day after only being in our house for a few weeks we couldn't find Jasper so David decided to go across the street to see if our neighbors had seen him and if he might have accidentally wandered over to their house and gotten locked into their garage. David said as soon as he asked if they had seen our cat our neighbor immediately burst into tears and her husband had to come to the door to let David know she had accidentally ran over him (they didn't realize it was our cat). She later came to the house bringing flowers and apologizing through teary eyes which was so sweet and I felt just as bad for her as I did for ourselves as I know she felt horrible and this was definitely not the way either families had planned on meeting one another.
I'm sure that Jordan will be fine as she has always had a bit of spunk to her even though she was the runt of the group. Even though we didn't see Janson very much as he typically stayed out of sight I'm actually more sad than I thought I would be and hate to know that he is not out hiding in our garage some place. While he was always very scared of us he still always let us know in his own awkward way that he liked us and he will be missed.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Baby It's Cold......Inside?
While we hoped for the best the repair man told us that the blower on our downstairs heating/air unit had gone out and unfortunately they do not keep the part in stock and......wait for it..........the part will not be in until MONDAY!
The other nice piece of news was finding out the cost of a new blower, let's just say I'm very, very thankful that we took to heart the things we learned in our Financial Peace classes and that we have an emergency fund.
We are very thankful that our upstairs unit is still working but are going to have to have them come take another look at it because the pilot light keeps going out. We went and purchased a couple of space heaters, are bundling on the layers, trying to keep a positive attitude and are creating some crazy memories. So if you are reading this and are coming to our house for Christmas you better bundle up :-)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
If You're Happy and You Know it Stomp Your Feet...
We let Caleb help pick out his shoes and as he was looking around he quickly spotted a pair that there was no talking him out of.

I can't say these were even close to my first choice as I'm really not a fan of shoes with characters on them but if you could have seen how excited he was you would understand why I quickly decided it wasn't about me and that these would be finding a new home at our house. You might be thinking that it's because they have Buzz Lightyear on them but to be honest I'm still not sure that he even realizes that they have a cartoon character on them. His one and only point of focus is that they light up when you stomp them.
As soon as he saw them he told us that he wanted them and he exclaimed that they light up. I on the other hand didn't see the clearly labeled box and told him that they didn't light up. He quickly corrected me that they did when you stomp your feet, and sure enough they do.
As soon as David put them on his feet he started singing "If you're happy and you know it.....". David kept trying to get him to stomp his feet so he could see them light up but Caleb just kept singing and ignored David's request. I at first thought Caleb just wasn't obeying until I stopped to actually listen to what he was singing. I then informed David that he was waiting for the part of the song that says "stomp your feet" and sure enough he had to sing through the song and wouldn't stomp his feet and make the shoes light up until he sang "If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet" :-). (I wonder if someone had these on at church this morning)
Caleb couldn't be more happy about his new shoes and insisted on not only wearing them out of the store where he proceeded to jump around and watch himself in the reflection of the store windows but he also wore them to bed tonight. :-)
I love his excitment over his new pair of shoes and have had so much fun watching him enjoy them. They may not be my favorite pair of shoes but he couldn't be happier.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Who Needs a Tom Tom When You Have a 3 yr Old
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
For those of you that are a little more organized than I am right now you need to check out Shutterfly and some of the cute holiday cards ideas that they have for the season. They have some really cute card ideas to help you share some Christmas cheer and show off pictures of your family. The best thing is you don't have to fight the crowd or leave the comfort of your cozy blanket you can just put them together on-line and have them shipped directly to you. I love the picture card idea and can't wait to get busy taking pictures in order to create one of the folded Christmas cards this year. Hope you enjoy Shutterflys site and are able to find the perfect design for your Christmas cards this season.
Here are a couple of cute ideas that I'm currently thinking about using:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
3 years old
Here is a recap of our day together:
This morning we started things off with a trip to Krispy Kreme where you were able to see them make the donuts and ended up eating two donuts. You asked me for a third but I thought that two was probably plenty. You picked out a chocolate glazed donut with sprinkles and then they gave you a glazed donut for free since the "Hot Now" sign was on.
After we left Krispy Kreme I asked you what you wanted to do next and you said you wanted to go to the bookstore and play with the trains. Instead of going to the bookstore we went to Dilly Dally's where you were able to play with the train table they have set up.
Our next stop was K-Mart. I don't remember signing you up for their birthday club but evidently I did because I received an email with a coupon for $5 off a $5 toy purchase for your birthday. You had fun getting to go up and down the toy aisle in search of a birthday surprise. After talking you out of the First Act snare drum (you already have one but told me that you need 5) you decided on a car hauler. It was fun getting to see you look at all the toys and decide on which treat you wanted.
After K-Mart we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a cake mix and stuff to make dinner. On our way there you asked if we could wash the car and since it was your day to pick what we did we stopped by Boomerang Car Wash and drove through the tunnel and washed the car.
You were a big helper in the kitchen this afternoon and helped me make your birthday cake that we enjoyed later tonight with Nana and Papa.
After Daddy got home we went to Chuck E Cheese where we cashed in your birthday coupon for 20 free tokens that we received for being part of their birthday club. You had a lot of fun running around playing and at the end of the night cashed in your tickets for 3 mini dum dum suckers.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Right Choices Corn Maze
At one point we looked over and he had taken off his shoes and was using it as a shovel. Definitely all boy and I have to give him props for his inventiveness.