Can you believe that Christmas is just right around the corner! It seriously seems like we were just wearing shorts and hunting Easter eggs and here it is time to start thinking about carrying down the boxes of Christmas decorations from the attic. While I've been super disorganized here lately and am not really sure I'm ready to start thinking about decorating for the holidays I am excited that within the next few weeks I will start finding Christmas cards from friends and family in my mailbox. It may be silly but I LOVE getting mail and especially love the holiday season when Christmas cards start coming in. I love getting to see how everyone's kids are growing up and especially enjoy those of you who are over achievers that include an annual Christmas letter with your cards. One thing that is super fun to me is seeing just how long of a chain of Christmas cards I can make.

For those of you that are a little more organized than I am right now you need to check out
Shutterfly and some of the cute holiday cards ideas that they have for the season. They have some really cute card ideas to help you share some Christmas cheer and show off pictures of your family. The best thing is you don't have to fight the crowd or leave the comfort of your cozy blanket you can just put them together on-line and have them shipped directly to you. I love the picture card idea and can't wait to get busy taking pictures in order to create one of the
folded Christmas cards this year. Hope you enjoy Shutterflys site and are able to find the perfect design for your Christmas cards this season.
Here are a couple of cute ideas that I'm currently thinking about using:

1 comment:
i'm totally doing this. just got take the pictures of the boys. should be fun!
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