....or at least this has been the case at our house since Sunday night. Poor little Caleb has been one sick puppy this week. I should have know when he wasn't really interested in staying in the nursery Sunday morning that something was wrong. He never has any issues going to class but they said that every time the door opened for another kid to be dropped off that he wanted out. We ended up skipping our normal routine of lunch with friends after church and opted to head home since Caleb was a bit fussy. He proceeded to fall asleep on the way home and ended up taking almost a 2 hour nap. He spent the rest of the day trying to play but he would have to take a little break every now and then and would just come lay his head on me and snuggle or he would go ahead and doze off for a few minutes. He ate a late lunch on Sunday and didn't seem to be having any issues but that wasn't the case later that night at dinner and he unfortunately decided to not keep it down.
David stayed home with him on Monday and bless his poor belly he couldn't keep anything down. We finally decided to call the Dr. out of concern that he was going to get dehydrated. I'll fast forward and save you all the messy details......long story short he is just now starting to be able to keep something down and show a little sign of life. He is actually trying to play a little today and has made some of his normal silly noises and is smiling. It looked like yesterday he was starting phase two of this wonderful stomach bug but so far we haven't seen any signs of it today. I'm crossing my fingers hard we are spared that phase and that David and I don't get sick.
As of Tuesday he weighed 18lbs. 8 oz. and had lost 1 lb. and 4 oz. Poor little guy he definitely doesn't have any weight to spare. Hopefully we can start trying to fatten him up in the next few days, right now we are still a bit cautious on how much we give him.
I hate how bad he has felt but I love how snugly he was been. He is always very loving but typically won't just be still when he snuggles. This week he has wanted to be right next to one of us.

Monday night he couldn't seem to find a comfortable spot. He tossed and turned and finally I laid him next to me on the coach and this is how he ended up going to sleep.

We ended up making him a little pallet in the living room floor. He didn't want to get too far away from us so this helped him know we were still around and allowed him to get some rest. As you can see he has lived in his
PJs since Sunday night.
This has been our new best friend this week and has saved us some nasty stains on the carpet. We both have gotten pretty good at knowing the signs of when he is going to get sick.

bless his heart. when they are sick, they do love to snuggle. I love that part of it. I hope he gets better.
oh no! I remember the girls first stomache bug at about the same age. it's so obvious when they do not feel good. I hope he is well before the end of the weekend. hugs and kisses from us all!
I can't stand it when they're sick. I hope he gets better soon!! Poor little fella...
Poor baby...and parents too. There isn't much that you can do for that type of virus. I hope all is better soon.
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