We are starting to get geared up for Halloween and have been trying to decide what Caleb is going to be for his first night of ghosts and goblins. Our first thought was a sock monkey. We originally found this costume on-line and thought it would be super cute and a bit original but after picking it up at Target a few days ago we have decided to keep looking. The only size they had in stock was a bit snug and I can't say we were really crazy about the material. Yes, like everything else I'm sure I'm over thinking it but hey I want to get it right, this is after all his first Halloween. I mean who wouldn't want to get the perfect costume for all of those great scrapbook pages that I'm sure will never find there way to completion in my craft room. (Seriously that's a whole other post in itself.
Sherry you seriously need to start organizing a monthly crop till you drop night at the church and help push a little motivation my way).

That is so cute though!!! I can't believe how big he is getting!
Oh, and I am sooo in for the scrapbook thing at church. We definitely need to do that! It would be so fun! (and productive!)
Thank you so much for your sweet comments and most importantly your prayers. We feel them and it's such a great feeling. Thanks for being a great friend!
That is cute! I like it!
Look at your litte monkey. So sweet.
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