Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I think someone may have been a little excited about their first day of Preschool because he was up at 6:30 this morning.  I still can't believe this little guy is old enough to be in Pre-K and am so glad he has a late birthday and has one more year before Kindergarten.

 When we got to the school today he wanted to be the one to push the stroller.
He did a great job of walking right into his classroom without any problems.  We took a few pictures and showed him where his seat was and he was off to get the box of cars to play with and didn't mind at all when we told him bye.

So glad he had a great first day at "school" and that he is looking forward to going back tomorrow.  I think it's going to be a great year and am super excited about where he is attending and the teacher he has.  I hope his enthusiasm continues and that he has a great school year.