The Winberry Family Blog
It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Some of the events of last year include:
1. We decided to enter the world of car payments and bought a new car. This was huge for me as this was my first new car in 11 years and my first automatic.
2. My step-sister, Jenni, got married
3. David went skiing in February with a group of guys from church
4. I started a new job and have been blessed with a great Manager and Director
5. In March David and I found out we were pregnant!
6. My younger brother celebrated the birth of his daughter Makenna
7. David and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary with a trip to Mexico (Riviera Maya)
8. My grandmother celebrated her 93rd birthday
9. We celebrated the life and mourned the loss of David's grandfather, Herbert Thalbert "Bud" Winberry
10. Caleb Nathan Winberry was born!
What an awesome and wonderful God we serve. He truly has blessed David and I more than we can imagine or deserve. I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us and what wonderful memories we will make this year.